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Sir William Galloway 1840-1927

William Galloway was the eldest son  of a  Paisley shawl manufacturer and coal and iron master. A pioneer of research into the effects of coal dust in mine explosions, he was called in to investigate the Lan explosion. His findings were to have historic significance.

From 1842 onwards, a series of Acts of Parliament had led to the creation of the Mines Inspectorate with extensive powers to enforce safety legislation.
In 1844, Michael Faraday drew attention to the way coal dust had the effect of spreading flame in an explosion. Dr.  William Galloway, then a junior mines inspector, became fascinated by this theory. He studied several large mine explosions, working also on personal experiments. He concluded that it was the presence of  coal dust rather than the methane (fire damp) that spread the flames and that the air should be damped during mining. He deduced coal dust was the reason  miners far from the original explosion in the Lan were ‘burned to a cinder’.

His conclusion was initially so unpopular that he was forced to resign his position as  an inspector of mines. Subsequently, however, this practice became world mining law and Dr Galloway became Sir William Galloway, Professor of Mining at University College, Cardiff.

Galloway’s method of damping coal dust in the air underground was first used in the Lan in Gwaelod y Garth.

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